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Best place to sell feet pictures

Selling feet pictures online has never been easier. Find out where the best place you should be sell them!

Where Should You Selling Feet Pics?

The offer of selling websites for feet pictures is huge. In this mass of offers it is not so easy to orient yourself and to find the right website which is the best for selling #feet photos. We will help you in our Footmodel Advice section and support you in finding the right selling platform and start a succesfull business.

Earn Money and sell successfully

If you’re looking to make money selling your own feet pics, there are several places you can do so. One of the easiest ways to start is by sign in at a footfetish community or selling websites like Feetfinder, and others. These sites are specialized in #feet related content selling and offer a lot of opportunitys to make a good revenue.

Who’s buying Feet Pics?

There are many different types of people who enjoy buying or selling feet pics online. Many people love female #feet and buy custom made #feet pics because they want individually stuff instead of what it is available in the mainstream. Personal contact with the model is also often crucial and therefore chats are also a way to better sell #feet images on current sales platforms. Whatever the reason, there are plenty of opportunities to make some extra #cash from selling your own feet pics on these websites.

Benefit from our experience because many of our Footmodels such as BlaqCat and Toe Highness use foot picture sales platforms and are very successful for sure.

So what are the best places to sell feet pictures

There is now quite a large offer in this area. Nevertheless, the whole thing can be sorted very well, as there are some differences here. Sites like OnlyFans aren’t designed exclusively for foot lovers, which means there’s a far too wide range of providers and the competition is extremely tough. Specialized #footfetish seller websites also do not have good reviews and you hear about fraud by buyers again and again. So we can only seriously recommend the best place to sell feet pictures is Feetfinder, because we have tried it ourselves and all our models have only good things to say about it.

How Do I Know Which Site Is Right For Me?

Basically, the #offers of the #selling platform websites are pretty similar. On each page for selling foot pictures, you can create a profile, upload pictures and offer them for sale. The most significant difference is mostly what #payment providers there are available and how high the commissions are paid for the sales platform. For every sale, you pay a profit share to the providers. It can be different and maybe a decision criterion. Also you should read some reviews to learn from the experiences of other #footmodels. There is really not only positive things to report here and you should definitely make sure that it is fair and safe.

Most people use PayPal these days. Unfortunately, they are reluctant to work with #business people from the adult entertainment industry. Most platforms rather have service providers that bill with credit cards and you usually have to register there. For example, Feetfinder works with #Paxum. This is actually a very safe and good thing, since you have to authorize yourself there, which enables safe payment and makes fraud impossible.

Can I Start My Own Feet Pics Selling Website?

If you’re interested in starting your own website, there are several options available. One option is to use WordPress as your platform. This is an easy-to-use CMS (content management system) that allows you to easily add new pages and posts to your site. It also comes with tons of free plugins that allow you to customize your site however you see fit. Another option is to use Squarespace. This is another popular platform that offers a variety of templates and themes to choose from. Both platforms offer a free trial so you can try them out without spending any money.

However, it is a very complex thing and not very suitable to quickly run a foot picture business. For starters, we really recommend you to register on a platform like Feetfinder and start quickly a footfetish business. Our Footmodel BlaqCat did this too and she thinks it’s very worthwhile.

How Much Will It Cost?

There are two main ways to make money selling feet photos online on #Feetfinder. You can either charge per photo sold or you can set up a subscription service. Feetfinder also offers #Premium Features to all members. You can read more about at the Feetfinder FAQ’s Page.

Basically, Feetfinder is free. With the premium feature, which is currently available for $29 (annual subscription), you can give your profile an extra kick, since you will then appear at the top of the search results and thus reach more customers.

How Do I Get Started?

At first you have to know every user must be 18 years or older to use the FeetFinder.  Further all Sellers must be ID verified before they can upload content, message Buyers, or edit their profile. This makes it a safe bet and prevents fraud. So all you have to do is register with Feetfinder, set your payment options and you’re good to go.

Now upload a nice profile photo, fill out your profile completely and you can start putting your pictures online for sale. We also publish a post about how much to charge for foot pictures and the best way how to take foot pictures. There you will get more tips on this topic.

A short summary

At Feetrecords, we fully recommend Feetfinder.com as the best place to sell feet pictures and videos too. When it’s time for you to fill up your cash a bit and you have fun photographing feet. Is this the place where you can do that successfully.

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